about us

Letter from the director

In August 2018, Our Place After School Care started an after-school program for teens with disabilities, the first of its kind in Nebraska. In November of 2022, our program wanted our teens to experience a level of independence gained by productive work that gives a monetary return. We opened a store called Freedom Factory where our teens can sell the items they create on commission.



I created Our Place because my daughter has disabilities. As a mother, I wanted my daughter to experience socializing with other teens, earning money, and learning independent living skills.

We continue to blaze a trail for other communities to provide this needed service for their families who care for teens with disabilities.

Our Mission

The Mission of Our Place After School Care is to create a caring community that will encourage teenagers with special needs, ages, 13-20, to practice academic, social, and life skills and enable them to be involved in community service and enriching experiences.

Our Board

Christine Albers, President

I joined the board of Our Place because its purpose is essential to many families I have met through my work as an occupational therapist in Hastings. The challenges families with children with special needs face are many. The program at Our Place addresses one of those challenges – a safe and supportive after-school environment. My experience as an occupational therapist in Hastings guides the board in meeting its goals.


Jennifer Phinney, Vice President

I joined Our place board to help with the younger age group of individuals with intellectual disabilities. I want to expand my knowledge to a wider age range of individuals with intellectual disabilities. To ensure these individuals have every recourse and opportunity to lead a happy, successful life.




Sonya Latta, Treasurer

I am so thankful for Our Place After School Care, not only are they the only care center that take care of special needs students that have aged out of regular daycares, but they understand our teens and can adapt to each of their special needs.




Kathy Johnson, Member at Large

I decided to become an Our Place board member because of the rewarding relationship with a mentally challenged individual that developed from my occupation as a nurse.

 Our Place provides opportunities to build meaningful relationships

 for our teens and the community.




Dave Van Patten, Member at Large

I am glad I volunteered for the Our Place program and joined the board. I’ve seen the smiles on the kids’ faces and have heard their laughter which touches my heart. I’ve seen the kids grow in confidence and life skills. The kids at the Our Place program learn social skills, academic skills, and, most importantly, teamwork and acquire friendships. I am proud to be part of the Our Place program.

Ellen Lyons, Member at Large

I was recently asked to serve on the board of Our Place After School Care. Since retiring from education, being on the board allows me to share ideas and help provide positive experiences for 13-21-year-old developmentally disabled students. I look forward to working with members of the board who are all passionate and committed to providing a safe and positive place for students.


Laura Schenk, Member at Large

Since first reading about Our Place on flyers around town and having already been involved in the developmental disability field for several years, I decided to join the board to assist however I can as it continues to evolve. The mission of Our Place and the specialized services it provides has proven to meet a need in our community that was previously being missed. I look forward to learning and working alongside the board members as we remain dedicated to its growth.


Our Staff

Adeline Johnson, Executive Director

In August 2018, Our Place After School Care started an after-school program for teens with disabilities, the first of its kind in Nebraska. There are now programs in the two largest cities of eastern Nebraska. Our Place is the only program outside of those cities. Why is that? Funding sources and qualified people to staff a developing program are limited in smaller communities. The need for the service is there; resources need to be improved. In November of 2022, our program wanted our teens to experience a level of independence gained by productive work that gives a monetary return. We opened a store called Freedom Factory where our teens can sell the items they create on commission. We continue to blaze a trail for other communities to provide this needed service for their families who care for teens with disabilities.

Amanda Nielsen, Executive Assistant